Friday, October 21, 2016

Captions Aren't My Thing

I noticed today that a few planets were missing. I wonder how long they've been gone and where they disappeared to.
"Do not look at yourself with disgust, you are a gift to this earth. You are beautiful, you are a light, an energy, an essence. You are nature herself."
- Heidi Pickett

This is Iman. I named him after the world's first black supermodel because she represents courage and bravery and a type of diversity that not everyone can understand; she was stunningly beautiful in an unconventional way, and I believe that he (my cat) is just as breathtaking, but many people thought he was ugly.
"I don't know what it was, you see. Her eyes had a certain sparkle. Her personality was fiery and precious."

I've always wanted to do a piece that breaks out of society's mold, therefore I made a deal with my brother and his friends. If they would come take photos with me, I would drive them around to skate spots. This piece would be titled, "Boys Can Wear Highlighter Too".

I found him in a house off Commercial street on the edge of town. The house was filled with fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches. He was locked in the bathroom with three other kittens. There was no litter box, cat food bowl, water bowl. The guy who "owned" him decided to spend his very little money on drugs, alcohol, and shitty pizza. He would feed these kittens, who were barely old enough to walk, scraps of food once a day. The day I was there, he fed them torn up pieces pizza crust. They fought over the scraps in such a desperate, heart shattering way that it made you see things from a different perspective. 
They called him "The Asshole" because he smaller and was more aggressive. He would sprint from one side of the couch to the next trying to get a bite of food. I would watch him and his siblings play with dead cockroaches in the kitchen after they're bellies were too bloated from high processed carbs to eat anything else. I was the only one who tried to show him any love.
After I took him and two of the other kittens, we found them good homes where they would be safe and loved. He's now my best friend. He purrs the loudest of any of my cats; he'll follow me from room to room. The compassion he exerts is astounding. If my cat can understand empathy and compassion, how can humans beings not?

There's a special kind of grace and purity in capturing moments of unexpected bliss. 

It took me a long time to understand why people cared if they could walk around shirtless in public or not. Eventually I realized that was not the point they were trying to make. 

It still hasn't sunk in that half of my high school career is already over.
"You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place. Like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again."
- Azar Nafisi

The lighting and trees looked too good not to capture.

Rainy days are a blessing.

It was surreal to be able to hold all of our hardwork in my hands. Weeks and hours and deadlines all for this. Seeing my name printed with words I wrote and photos I took, to be distributed throughout the school and shown off as a representation of Kickapoo, was a feeling like no other. 

"I know these will all be stories someday, and our pictures will become old photographs. We'll all become someone's mom or dad. But right now, these moments are not stories. This is happening."
- Perks of Being a Wallflower

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Edward Hopper Inspired Writing

The light cold breeze
wraps you in a bear hug
through your coat and scarf.
The man tinkers with the gas
pump and you wonder
how he could not be freezing.
The crickets sing love songs
of lonely heart in the night.

Your suitcase sits at your feet
as you raise a cigarette to your lightly chapped lips,
whispering the cries for love that is lost.
Contempt in your solitude,
you blow a cloud of smoke
into the chilly night air
and the time passes
like there is no tomorrow.

White wine embraces the lover's
lips like a New Year's kiss.
Cigarette smoke preforms
intimacies with the fresh air
that fills their lungs,
yet leaves them just as
breathless as a passionate
tongue dance.

Window Poem

Through My Kitchen Window

Snow coats the
once green grace.
Foot prints decorate the lawn,
like a handcrafted cake.
Bird feed has fallen onto the
ground underneath and
the bird bath is now
an ice skating rink
for all those walking feathers
inclined to do so.
Steam rises up
and lightly kisses the glass.
Soap and warm water
are always the best combination
to relax on a winter day.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Six Word Memoirs


   Those I thought would stay, didn't

   Feminism is not a bad word

Pour Tyler:

   You were my unexpected best friend

Pour Alayna:

   It isn't easy but push through

Pour Corey:

   You are the sun and Galaxy

Friday, October 7, 2016

Writers as Readers

   I love to curl up with feather blankets,  next to candles on rainy days and plunge into heart capturing book.

   I found that my writing style is very much like Nathaniel Hawthorne's, although I do like to try and incorporate some of John Green': style as well. For poetry, I try to imitate certain aspects of Rupi Kaur's style sometimes, depending on the subject of my poem.

   No matter if it was the very first book I read,  the Dr. Seuss biography is one of the first books I read, and definitely my favorite.

   My favorite series are:

Harry Potter (of course) - everything about this series engulfed my heart in a pit of bliss and love; it allowed me escape into a fantasy that was much better than my reality, providing me with relief from all the emotional burdens.
Percy Jackson, all series - I found a bit of myself in each character, plus it is about mythology and my fascination with that made all of Rick R's book a heaven for me.

   My favorite books are:

If I Stay - it is so beautifully heartbreaking with human emotion and connections, something I can't always relate to, therefore it gives me an ideal life I wish I had sometimes.
Looking for Alaska
Milk and Honey

   My goal ever since I was little has been to write a book before I finish school. Recently I've been curious about publishing a book of poetry. I'm considering the possibility of doing so.

Color Walk Poem

My freshman year,
I learned how to drive,
On rainy mornings 
Or snowy afternoons.
My driving instructor once lead me on a winding path,
Filled with colorful leaves and bare trees.
An apple orchard called my name
And I promised I would come back.
He told me, "No one knows how to get here but me."
I've spent years searching for his apple orchard,
I have yet to find it.

Color Collage Poem

Fall leaves rain down outside the window as ravioli bakes in the oven.
Gnocchi and homemade cookies are presented in pretty platters
with subtle fall love marks hidden underneath the delicious Italian heritage.
The marvel counter tops display hand crafted pies
along side burning candles.
Rain drops come together in sing and dance upon the window,
looking out on one side of the barely tainted green hidden beneath
color swatches of orange and red shaped like leaves.
On the other side of the glass
lies a feast of love and culture,
prestine and perfect.
Low tunes reeking of October and November vibes
plays softly as the soup on the stove begins to fill the house with
savory, mouth watering smell.
Light indications of children playing upstairs completes the rainy afternoon.

Dream Threads

After searching long and hard, I've decided my purpose in life is to help the people nobody wants to help or be around.

My mother always exclaims how I used to watch Toy Story everyday with a smile on her lips and the light of love in her eyes. Perhaps that's why Buzz Lightyear's "Reach for the stars!" phrase echos in the head every time I receive my grades or think about college. 
I've found passion for many different subjects, and that combination has led me to formulate widely exuberant dreams. I know it'll be a rough road, and it may not work out, but if I give up how will I ever know if I could've made it.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Newspaper Posts

Nation Left Dazed and Desperate 

Please tell me 
Explain to me why 
You think I am less than you 
For having different body parts

This nation is in an epidemic,
Filled with shots fired 
And dehumanizations tactics lucking 
Across textbook pages and 
Hidden in hallways

I'll never understand 
How people can believe that 
The gender that produces life 
Could ever be less than a sex organ 
In which is only good for 
Somewhat decent sex and providing the "Y" gene.
Excuse me if I don't discover the fascination with 
Something like that. 


Memorable Posts

“Just like that. From a hundred miles an hour to asleep in a nanosecond. I wanted so badly to lie down next to her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.”
– John Green, Looking for Alaska 
The first time I ever read this quote was on tumblr in middle school. It was probably during seventh grade, the hardest year. Although the knowledge of where it originated from I did not possess, it became sown into the vessels of my heart.
Once I actually read John Green’s book, I fell madly in love with it. It made me want to ditch my life in the middle of no-where and move into a boarding school. In reality, life in such place is unlike its portrayal in the book, but this was one of the beginnings that lead to me imagining another world. A world where the grass was brilliant green with cute suburban houses in a lovely neighborhood that had lawn mower races and barbecues.
I like to think that there will be a time where I’ll actually immense myself in that conception. While I don’t believe in any particular religion, or entire concept of religion in general, I do believe that after we leave the dimension that contains us now, we might actually be able to fulfill the immaculate scenarios that we’ve dreamed of. That is what gives me comfort at night, but also sends my mind spiraling into unimaginable depths of wonder.
Maybe this entire life is just one part of it.
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